Hazel Natalie Watson Music Scholarship
The Hazel Natalie Watson music scholarship provides supplemental financial support to a student enrolled in an approved music education program or a hands-on music instructional program. It advances and expands the study of piano education and instruction, vocal studies, classical music studies, worship music, and gospel music studies with preference given to underserved populations.
The Lang Watson Foundation does not discriminate against age, race, sex, Christian denomination, or socio-economic background. Extended family ties cannot apply for this scholarship. Students must be a resident of the following U.S. states, Georgia, Illinois, California, and Indiana. The Scholarship Committee under established guidelines will select the final recipient and award amount.
Application Deadline
All applications must be received at the beginning of each academic year per state. All late applications will be considered for the next semester or academic year pending approval from the Lang Watson Foundation’s Scholarship Committee and Board of Directors.
Apply online at Lang Watson Foundation scholarships or Contact us for additional information.